Where the code isn't pretty but it's alive!
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const heightCal = 30.48; const weightCal = 2.205; const mainGrid = document.querySelector(".main-div-container"); const imageLinkExt = "&source=lnms&tbm=isch"; let currentCharacter = 0; let currentJsonCount = 0; let canLoad = true; let allChara; let allCharaExtra; let closeBtns; pullData(`https://swapi.dev/api/people/`); function results(){ for (let i = 0; i < currentCharaJson.results.length; i++) { const character = document.createElement("div"); character.classList.add("character"); character.innerHTML = ` ${currentCharaJson.results[i].name} Height ${(currentCharaJson.results[i].height / heightCal).toFixed(1).replace(".", "ft ").concat("in")} Weight ${(currentCharaJson.results[i].mass * weightCal).toFixed(0).concat("(lbs)")} Hair Color ${currentCharaJson.results[i].hair_color} Skin Color ${currentCharaJson.results[i].skin_color} Eye Color ${currentCharaJson.results[i].eye_color} Birth Year ${currentCharaJson.results[i].birth_year} Gender ${currentCharaJson.results[i].gender} Planet Rotation Period Orbital Period Diameter Climate Gravity Terrain Surface Water Population `; currentJsonCount++; mainGrid.appendChild(character); } } function grabFields(){ allChara = document.querySelectorAll(".main"); allCharaExtra = document.querySelectorAll(".extra"); closeBtns = document.querySelectorAll(".close-btn"); } function homeWorldDetails(pos, name, homeWorld){ fetch(homeWorld) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { allCharaExtra[pos].children[0].children[0].innerHTML = name; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[0].children[1].innerHTML = data.name; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[1].children[1].innerHTML = data.rotation_period; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[2].children[1].innerHTML = data.orbital_period; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[3].children[1].innerHTML = data.diameter; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[4].children[1].innerHTML = data.climate; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[5].children[1].innerHTML = data.gravity; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[6].children[1].innerHTML = data.terrain; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[7].children[1].innerHTML = data.surface_water; allCharaExtra[pos].children[1].children[8].children[1].innerHTML = data.population; }); closeAnyOpen(); allCharaExtra[pos].classList.add("extra-open"); allCharaExtra[pos].classList.remove("extra-close"); allChara[pos].classList.add("peekIn"); allChara[pos].classList.remove("peekOut"); closeBtns[pos].classList.add("close-btn-vis"); currentCharacter = pos; } function closeBtn(){ allCharaExtra[currentCharacter].classList.remove("extra-open"); allCharaExtra[currentCharacter].classList.add("extra-close"); allChara[currentCharacter].classList.remove("peekIn"); allChara[currentCharacter].classList.add("peekOut"); closeBtns[currentCharacter].classList.remove("close-btn-vis"); } function closeAnyOpen(){ if(allChara[currentCharacter].classList.contains("peekIn")){ allCharaExtra[currentCharacter].classList.remove("extra-open"); allCharaExtra[currentCharacter].classList.add("extra-close"); allChara[currentCharacter].classList.remove("peekIn"); allChara[currentCharacter].classList.add("peekOut"); } } function viewPictures(name){ if(name.contains == " "){ name.replace(" ", "+"); window.open('https://www.google.com/search?q='+ name + imageLinkExt, "_blank"); }else{ window.open('https://www.google.com/search?q='+ name + imageLinkExt, "_blank"); } } function pullData(url){ fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { currentCharaJson = data; results(); grabFields(); canLoad = true; }); } addEventListener('wheel', () => { window.onscroll = function (ev) { if ((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY) >= document.body.offsetHeight - 50) { if (currentCharaJson.next != "null" && canLoad) { pullData(currentCharaJson.next); console.log(currentCharaJson.next); canLoad = false; }else{ //Nothing more to see here :( } } }; });
${(currentCharaJson.results[i].height / heightCal).toFixed(1).replace(".", "ft ").concat("in")}
${(currentCharaJson.results[i].mass * weightCal).toFixed(0).concat("(lbs)")}
Hair Color
Skin Color
Eye Color
Birth Year
Rotation Period
Orbital Period
Surface Water